I love this game, but you should make a game called Toca Life:Mall. You could have different choices of restaurants, a spa- (and you could paint nails and choose colors), a hotel- ( with at least 3 stories and a pool), shoe stores, clothes stores, toy stores, and makeup stores. And make sure to make it where you can change there hair please! Be sure to add LOTS of details and more stores than I suggested. I would buy your app right away.
Another suggestion, Toca Life: Zoo! You can have all sorts of animals.
One more, Toca Life: Fair. You could have games, rides and food!
I promise just one more, Toca Life: Amusment Park. You can play games and win prizes and go on roller coasters!!
FINE, JUST ONE MORE, Toca Life: Pet Store. You can get lots of pets and plants!!!!!
I am only suggesting all of these because all I literally play is Toca life games. I think the line of games is so clever And has a bright future. Please just make the people more real looking.
Thank U!!!!!!!!!!!
JoJo about Toca Life: City, v1.3